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September 07, 2021

15 Worst Hurricanes of All Time

Happy Tuesday

Why E.O. Wilson Is Called the 'Darwin of the 21st Century'

He was the original ant-man, long before Marvel came around. Get to know this brilliant scientist who never grew out of his boyhood bug period. Read more >>

Best (and Worst) Cities to Live in if You're a Cat

Here's a teaser: NYC is the worst. Read more >>

Sticks, Stones and Knucklebones: The History of Dice

First question: Where and why did dice become cubes? Read more >>

A Simple Salt Swap Could Save Thousands of Lives, Maybe Yours

Need to cut down on salt but love the taste of it? A salt substitute might be just what the doctor ordered. Read more >>

15 Worst Hurricanes of All Time

We talk about 15 hurricanes that sit at the intersection of property damage, powerful winds and human tragedy, Read more >>

The Amazing Mantis Shrimp Punches Its Prey, Plus More Colorful Facts

The mantis shrimp is not your average shrimp, not with a nickname like 'the thumb splitter.' Read more >>

Q:  What lifehack is now an unconscious habit of your everyday life?

Once a lifehack becomes an everyday habit, it's hard to think of it as anything but natural. So, you might have to ponder this one — what's one lifehack that has stuck around and become routine?

Reply to this email with your first name and answer so we can feature you in a future newsletter!

The Results Are In ...

Last week we asked you whether you'd rather be covered in fur or scales. It turns out that four out of every five readers secretly wish they were dogs. Who could blame them?

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