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November 14, 2020

How Do You Pronounce This Condiment: Worcestershire Sauce? 

It's the Weekend!

Happy birthday, Monet! The Impressionist master born Nov. 14, 1840, was very much inspired by nature. We hope you find time to head outside today and be inspired, too.

What Do You Know About Andorra, Europe's Best-kept Secret in the Pyrenees?

It's only 180 square miles, but Andorra packs a lot of personality. We dug up six facts to help you explore this tiny nation. Read more >>

What's Inside Worcestershire Sauce, and How Do You Pronounce It?

WUST-ter-shire," "WOOS-ter-sheer" or "WOOS-ter-sher"? Or all of the above? Read more >>

Taco Cat! It's a Palindrome

Was it a cat I saw? (See what we did there?) Read more >>

9 Enormous Facts About Sperm Whales, Gigantic Creatures of the Sea

Yep, we're talking about the animal who starred in "Moby Dick." Read more >>

Why Did Napoleon Lose the Battle of Waterloo?

Lots of things contributed to Napoleon's loss at Waterloo — bad weather, superior British defense tactics and perhaps a bad case of hemorrhoids. Read more >>

Norse Mythology Is Way More Than Thor

Beyond the Hollywood version of Thor, there's a centuries-old history behind Norse mythology that experts are still discovering and busting myths around. Read more >>

Test Your Knowledge

If you've been reading our emails this week, you might get these questions right!
  1. A commercial airliner can increase their speeds to make up for lost time. (True/False)
  2. The international distress call "Mayday" has a French pronunciation meaning "help me." (True/False)
  3. How old was Yuri Gagarin when he made the first manned flight to space?
    a) 27 b) 34 c) 42 d) 55
  4. A good way to test if an egg is old is to see if it sinks in water. (True/False)
  5. The longest living vertebrate on the planet can live up to:
    a) 180 years b) 211 years c) 400 years d) 850 years
  6. Bruce Lee is the reason that martial arts are so popular in America. (True/False)
Check Your Answers
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