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December 02, 2023

Pods vs. Powder vs. Liquid Detergent: Which Works Best?

Happy Saturday

Pods vs. Powder vs. Liquid Detergent: Which Works Best?

Nobody likes doing laundry. So why not make it as easy as possible? Read more >>

How to Repair a Leaky Faucet

Before calling a plumber, take a look at this step-by-step guide to repair your faucet. Read more >>

The Ins and Outs of a Matriarchal Society

Species like elephants typically adhere to a matriarchal society, so why don't humans? Read more >>

How to Get Sticky Residue Off Plastic

Everything you need to get that sticky residue off a surface can be found in your kitchen. Read more >>

Tips and Tricks for Growing Orchids

Depending on the species and environment, your orchid blooms could last for months. Read more >>

The Differences Between Ethnicity, Race and Nationality

The concepts of race, ethnicity and nationality are so intertwined that it's no wonder we mix them up so often. Read more >>

Test Your Knowledge

If you've been reading our emails this week, you might get these questions right!
  1. True or false: Marie Antoinette said, "Let them eat cake." 
  2. Where is the coldest place on Earth? 
    a) East Antarctic Plateau, Antarctica
    b) Denali, Alaska, United States
    c) Reykjavik, Iceland
    d) Yakutsk, Siberia, Russia
  3. How tall was French general Napoleon Bonaparte (in modern measurement units) when he died? 
    a) 4 feet, 5 inches (134.62 centimeters)
    b) 5 feet (152.4 centimeters)
    c) 5 feet, 6.5 inches (169 centimeters)
    d) 6 feet (182.88 centimeters)
  4. True or false: In 2020, only 20 pilots had permission to land at Paro International Airport in Paro, Bhutan. 
  5. Where is the largest aquarium in the U.S. located? 
    a) Atlanta, Georgia
    b) Chattanooga, Tennessee
    c) Monterey, California
    d) Seattle, Washington
Check Your Answers
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