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September 19, 2023

Why Does the North Pole Move?

Happy Tuesday

Anatomy of a Glacier

These enormous ice masses play a key role in shaping the landscape — albeit very, very slowly. Read more >>

Why Does the North Pole Move?

The poles last switched 780,000 years ago. It's happened about 400 times in 330 million years. Read more >>

Top 5 Ways to Get Smarter

Do you judge smarts by test scores and GPAs or common sense and problem-solving abilities? Read more >>

Causation vs. Correlation

Stepping on a crack doesn't break your mother's back. That would be correlation, not causation. Read more >>

A Brief History of Guns

It goes all the way back to 850 B.C.E., when the Chinese first began experimenting with gunpowder. Read more >>

How Do Artificial Flavors Work?

Octyl acetate and isoamyl acetate are fundamental components in orange and banana flavors, respectively. Yum? Read more >>

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