Report: League City has most affordable housing in Houston when comparing income to costs.
Did you know that League City is the same distance in miles (23) from Houston as it is northwest of Galveston?
It's always seemed to me like the perfect balance between Downtown Houston and Galveston Bay, not too far from either and not too close either.
According to the United States Census Bureau, League City, the largest in Galveston County, has a total area of 53.0 square miles, which encompasses 51.3 square miles of land and 1.7 square miles, or water.
The city has a huge boating community at South Shore Harbor Marina, a thriving and growing retail community and is a hot spot for continuing development.
You would think it would be one of the more expensive suburban enclaves to live in, right?
According to a real estate study, League City is the most affordable city to live in for homeowners in the Houston metro region.
Released in August, the Metro Affordability Report said League City homeowners pay more for their homes on average compared to neighboring cities but pay the least in home costs.
Read more here and find out how Houston, Sugarland, Pearland, and Pasadena rank by comparison.
![]() | Yvette Orozco, Suburban reporter producer |

Photo by: Jason Fochtman, Staff Photographer
Houston schools struggle to hire armed officer at every campus after underfunded state mandate.
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Photo by: Greg Morago
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