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September 25, 2021

ScienceDaily: Latest Science News

ScienceDaily: Latest Science News

Researchers develop new method for detecting superfluid motion

Posted: 24 Sep 2021 03:25 PM PDT

Researchers are part of a new study that could help unlock the potential of superfluids -- essentially frictionless special substances capable of unstopped motion once initiated.

When it comes to communication skills, maybe we’re born with it?

Posted: 24 Sep 2021 03:25 PM PDT

A neuroscientist and speech pathologist, led a study that uncovered how neural networks in infants influence their language learning skills in early childhood.

3D nano-inks push industry boundaries

Posted: 24 Sep 2021 03:25 PM PDT

A new, 3D-printable polymer nanocomposite ink developed by engineers has incredible properties like conducting electricity and high tensile strength -- and many applications in aerospace, medicine and electronics.

The origin and legacy of the Etruscans

Posted: 24 Sep 2021 03:25 PM PDT

Researchers present comprehensive ancient DNA data retrieved from peoples culturally affiliated with the iconic Etruscans, settling a long-lasting debate on the origins of this highly skilled and enigmatic culture.

In a gene tied to growth, scientists see glimmers of human history

Posted: 24 Sep 2021 03:25 PM PDT

A new study delves into the evolution and function of the human growth hormone receptor gene, and asks what forces in humanity's past may have driven changes to this vital piece of DNA.

Guiding microbes along their path

Posted: 24 Sep 2021 07:43 AM PDT

The direction of movement of a microbe directly depends on the curvature of its environment, according to new findings. The researchers investigated the navigation of a model microbe, a small self-propelling microalga, in confined compartments with different shapes. They also developed theoretical models to predict the probability flux of that microswimmer which was confirmed by experiments. With this model available, it is now possible to pre-define the average trajectory of such microbes by manipulating the curvature of the compartments which directly affects their movement.

Insights from our genome and epigenome will help prevent, diagnose and treat cancer

Posted: 24 Sep 2021 07:43 AM PDT

In 2020, an estimated 10 million people lost their lives to cancer. This devastating disease is underpinned by changes to our DNA -- the instruction manual for all our cells.

Gamma rays and neutrinos from mellow supermassive black holes

Posted: 24 Sep 2021 07:43 AM PDT

The Universe is filled with energetic particles, such as X rays, gamma rays, and neutrinos. However, most of the high-energy cosmic particles' origins remain unexplained.

New cause of inherited heart condition discovered

Posted: 24 Sep 2021 07:42 AM PDT

The discovery provides a new causal explanation for 1-2% of adults with the condition.

Tiny lasers acting together as one: Topological vertical cavity laser arrays

Posted: 24 Sep 2021 07:42 AM PDT

An international research team uses topological platform to demonstrate coherent array of vertical lasers.

Observations confirm that aerosols formed from plant emitted compounds can make clouds brighter

Posted: 24 Sep 2021 07:42 AM PDT

An observational study confirms a prevailing theory that volatile organic compounds emitted by vegetation form atmospheric aerosols which make clouds more reflective.

Radiation therapy reprograms heart muscle cells to younger state

Posted: 24 Sep 2021 07:40 AM PDT

New research suggests that radiation therapy can reprogram heart muscle cells to what appears to be a younger state, fixing electrical problems that cause a life-threatening arrhythmia without the need for a long-used, invasive procedure.

Lab grown tumor models could improve treatment for pancreatic cancer

Posted: 24 Sep 2021 04:55 AM PDT

An international team of scientists have created a three-dimensional (3D) pancreatic cancer tumour model in the laboratory, combining a bioengineered matrix and patient-derived cells that could be used to develop and test targeted treatments.

Aging the unageable: New way to age lobsters

Posted: 23 Sep 2021 04:11 PM PDT

Researchers have developed a new way of determining the age of a lobster based on its DNA. Lobsters are notoriously difficult to age. Nobody knows exactly how old they can get, and some experts have estimated they could live on the ocean floor for as long as a century or more. Until now, a lobster's age has usually been estimated using its size - but this is inaccurate as individual lobsters grow at different rates. The new DNA-based technique could help manage lobster fisheries more sustainably.

Wide heads help sperm swim together

Posted: 23 Sep 2021 01:59 PM PDT

Researchers used machine learning to discover that sperm with a wide head relative to length are more likely to clump together and swim collectively, a rare behavior that sometimes helps them reach an egg faster. The study provides a new method for understanding how form and function are related in cells with complex behaviors in all animals, including humans.

The defensive arsenal of plant roots

Posted: 23 Sep 2021 09:24 AM PDT

Plants adapt to their nutritional needs by modifying the permeability of their roots through the production or degradation of a cork-like layer called suberin. By studying the regulation of this protective layer in Arabidopsis thaliana, an international team has discovered four molecular factors responsible for the genetic activation of suberin. The identification of these factors allowed the production of plants with roots that are continuously covered -- or, on the contrary, completely devoid -- of suberin. These factors are of major interest for the selection of plants more resistant to environmental stresses.

Over 120 scientific experts’ global ocean report shows unprecedented climate change impact, as Arctic registers record low ice levels

Posted: 22 Sep 2021 05:18 PM PDT

Arctic ice levels logged in the last two years have reached record lows, whilst per decade have -- on average since 1979 to 2020 -- dropped by nearly 13%, a new vast report on the ocean worldwide shows.

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