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April 17, 2021

You're About to Learn What a Confidence Interval Is (and Like It)

Happy Saturday

On April 17, 2014, NASA's Kepler space telescope unearthed the very first Earth-size planet orbiting a star in its habitable (or Goldilocks) zone. Its name? Kepler-186f. The telescope eventually discovered 2,662 exoplanets over its nine-year lifetime.

My Name Is Inigo Montoya. This Is My Quiz

He stole our hearts and also the movie "The Princess Bride." Can you nab a few correct answers about this beloved swordsman? Take the quiz >>

Crumple Theory: We Can Learn a Lot From How Paper Crumples

It's weirdly entrancing. And useful. Read more >>

How the Lost Generation Works

The members of the Lost Generation were born at the turn of the 20th century, when the world was changing rapidly. They owe their nickname to Hemingway. Read more >>

Frogs Can't Vomit, So They Eject Their Entire Stomachs

Sometimes you need a workaround. This is the frog's. Read more >>

Beulah Mae Donald Took on the Klan — and Won

And her story is the center of a brand-new CNN original series. Read more >>

What Are Confidence Intervals in Statistics?

The point of statistics is to describe processes you can observe out in the world, like the height of oak trees, say, without having to measure every single oak tree. Confidence intervals can help with that. We'll explain how. Read more >>

Sponsored By Home Chef

Hey readers,

We're trying something new today and sharing a deal from our friends at Home Chef. With our code, you get $90 off your first four meal kit orders.

Sure, we love cooking, but it'd be nice to take a break from searching the internet for just one more creative recipe, and those Baja fish tacos look pretty tasty. (Note: Home Chef delivers to the U.S. only.) Check it out >>

Test Your Knowledge

If you've been reading our emails this week, you might get these questions right!
  1. True or false: A Belgian study published in 2018 found that hypogamy, when a woman marries a man of lower social or educational background, was associated with higher divorce rates.
  2. True or false: The fastest unmanned mission to the moon took only 36 hours to reach the moon's orbit.
  3. When the soft pretzel was invented, what was the classic pretzel shape made to resemble?
    a) The braid of a common hairstyle.
    b) The peace symbol.
    c) Two hands crossed in prayer.
    d) A sailor's knot.
  4. What's the most popular cereal in the United States?
    a) Honey Nut Cheerios
    b) Cheerios
    c) Frosted Flakes
    d) Cinnamon Toast Crunch
  5. What was Doc Holliday's career before he became a rambling, gambling gunslinger?
    a) Doctor
    b) Rancher
    c) Dentist
    d) Sheriff
  6. Which of the following is NOT true of Queen Elizabeth II?
    a) She is not yet Britain's longest-serving monarch.
    b) She trained during World War II as a driver and mechanic.
    c) She married her cousin.
Check Your Answers
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