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February 09, 2021

Who Invented Mac and Cheese?

Happy Tuesday

Vietnam's Rong Dragon Bridge Actually Breathes Fire

They don't even have one of those at Hogwarts! Read more >>

Top 10 Heads That Rolled During the Reign of Henry VIII

And there were a lot to pick from. During his reign, scholars estimate between 57,000 and 7­2,000 English subjects lost their heads. Ready to roll? Read more >>

Who Created the First Macaroni and Cheese?

Talk about a significant contribution to culinary history! Read more >>

A Border Runs Through It: Name These Spots That Straddle Two Places

This quiz is for all you geography nuts who like to be in two places at once. Take the quiz >>

The Ouroboros Is More Than Just a Cool Tattoo

So what does that self-eating snake symbolize? Read more >>

What Is Defamation, and How Do You Prove It in Court?

In this day and age, it seems handy to know exactly what defamation is. Here's a refresher. Read more >>

Q: If you could go on a space mission, which planet would you like to go see?

This week we're curious to know which planet intrigues you the most.

Reply to this email with your first name and answer so we can feature you in a future newsletter! 

Community Q&A

Last week you told us what subject was your favorite in elementary school. All of you math lovers in the group should appreciate this pie chart summarizing all of your responses. Thank you to everyone who responded, we love hearing from our community.
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