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January 05, 2021

Why Don't Penguin Feet Freeze?

Happy Tuesday

Eighty-two years ago today, famed aviatrix Amelia Earhart was declared dead after trying to complete her first round-the-world flight. But she was much more than a famous aviator who disappeared. You can read more about her high-flying adventures in our bio on her. 

Why Penguin Feet Don't Freeze

How long could you stand on Antarctic ice before your bare feet froze solid? A minute or two? If you were an emperor penguin, you could do it for two months! How can that be? Read more >>

The Life and Mysterious Death of Edgar Allan Poe

Did you know that this iconic writer is credited with inventing the detective story? Read more >>

What's the Difference Between Kosher Salt and Table Salt?

Isn't it time you knew a little more about one of the most-used seasonings in the world? Read more >>

Why Are Magnetars So Scary?

Ready to learn about the most powerful magnetic objects in the known universe? Read more >>

Winter Tires Really Do Make a Difference in the White Stuff

So who needs them? And how are they different from studded snow tires? Read more >>

5 U.S. Presidents and Their Beloved Cars

Lyndon B. Johnson, the 36th president, was the last U.S. president allowed to drive on public roads. But that hasn't stopped presidents from loving to get behind the wheel when they can. Read more >>

Q: What is the nicest thing a stranger has ever done for you?

Thank you for all of the awesome responses to our question about which fictional world you'd like to visit — we've shared a few below! This week we'd love to hear about a time when a stranger did something nice for you. 

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