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January 16, 2021

Who's Behind the Mysterious Mojave Desert Megaphone?

It's the Weekend!

Whiteout Warning! Why Snow Squalls Can Be So Deadly

Snow squalls, as brief as they are (most last no longer than 30 minutes), are serious. Sometimes deadly serious. Read more >>

The Slow Loris Is a Cuddly-looking Primate With a Toxic Bite

To paraphrase William Shakespeare for our own purposes, "Though the slow loris be but little, it is fierce." Read more >>

Many Animals Have a Cloaca, But Humans Should Not

Unless you've studied human or animal biology in depth, you've likely never heard of the cloaca. We're here to help. Read more >>

Who's Behind the Mysterious Mojave Desert Megaphone?

Some call it the Sentinel Enigma. Others call it art. Everyone calls it a mystery, much like the Utah monolith that made headlines in 2020. Read more >>

What Is the Tax Rate for Lottery Winnings?

Winning the lottery is a dream for many of us. So how much, exactly, would the IRS take from your winnings? Read more >>

Thin Mints and More: The Girl Scout Cookie Quiz

It's that time of year again when visions of Samoas and Tagalongs are dancing in our heads. Take the quiz >>

Test Your Knowledge

If you've been reading our emails this week, you might get these questions right!
  1. One study into racial biases found that by 9 months old, babies could only differentiate between faces that were their same race, and the rest started to blur together. (True/False)
  2. Peanut butter typically contains a ½ cup of butter per 2 cups of ground peanut. (True/False)
  3. What candy made its first appearance in 1847?
    a) Hershey Bar
    b) Necco Wafers
    c) Milky Way Bar
    d) Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
  4. Keeping your potatoes in the refrigerator will help prevent "sprouting," or spoiling. (Myth/Fact)
  5. What was the first park established by the National Park Service in the United States?
    a) Yosemite
    b) Crater Lake
    c) Grand Canyon
    d) Yellowstone
Check Your Answers
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