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January 12, 2021

How Much Butter Is in Peanut Butter?

Happy Tuesday

Gallium Boils at 4,044 Degrees F, But Will Also Melt in Your Hand

This rare, silvery-white element can pull off one of the coolest parlor tricks on the periodic table. Read more >>

Pareidolia: Why We See Faces in Almost Everything

We see faces pretty much everywhere: in trees, in grilled cheeses, in Cheetos. This has to be handy for survival, right? Read more >>

How Much Butter Is in Peanut Butter?

It seems like something we all should know, doesn't it? Read more >>

Flemish Giant Rabbits Are Docile Snuggle Bunnies

Everyone got a dog during the pandemic. How about a humongous rabbit instead? Read more >>

Venus de Milo: The Most Famous Armless Statue in the World

We dive into the mystery surrounding this marble goddess. Read more >>

The Story of Adam and Eve is Not Unique to the Bible

Nearly every ancient culture had its own set of creation myths, and they share a remarkable number of similarities, including key elements of the Adam and Eve story. Read more >>

Q: If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Thank you for sharing with us the heartwarming acts of kindness you've received from strangers. We've shared a very sweet story below. This week we want to know — if it really came down to it, what food would you choose to eat forever?

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