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November 07, 2020

A Greenland Shark Alive Today Could Have Been Born in 1620

It's the Weekend!

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7 Reasons Bruce Lee Continues to Kick Butt

He died mysteriously just before the release of the film that would make him a household name. But there's a whole lot more to Bruce Lee than just an unusual death and kung fu magic. Read more >>

A Greenland Shark Living Today Could Have Been Alive in 1620

They may not have their own cult classic movie, but the Greenland shark holds an impressive record. Read more >>

It's 2020. Of Course the McRib Is Back.

This McDonald's cult favorite will be back in the U.S. for the first time since 2012. But what is it exactly? Read more >>

Why Is an Asteroid Worth $10 Quadrillion?

This unfathomably valuable space rock is worth more than the GDP of all the nations on Earth combined. Read more >>

The Scoville Scale: How Hot Is That Pepper?

Like spicy food? See where your favorite hot pepper falls on the Scoville scale. Read more >>

Did Nikita Khrushchev Really Bang His Shoe in Defiance at the U.N.?

Ask many what they remember about the man who succeeded Stalin and ruled the Soviet Union for a decade, and they'll tell you it's the shoe. Read more >>

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