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November 25, 2019

Blogging Tip #5: How to find the time to blog


One of the biggest things that holds people back from succeeding at blogging is time.

If you are traveling or working full-time, how are you expected to start a website? After a long workday, the last thing you want to do is spend your nights blogging.

But there is always more time than we think — we're just generally bad at managing it. I know I am! I used to find I never had enough time to blog. I was constantly overwhelmed. I would often think about all the things I didn't have enough time to do. Then, to avoid that feeling, I would watch Netflix, go drinking with my friends, or just laze around.

The truth is, it's not about having not enough time — it's about prioritizing your time.

The secret to getting your work done?


Not "to-do list" building.


I mentioned this a few emails back. A lot of time people create a to-do list as a way to manage work. While a list might be a good way to organize your shopping, it's not the best way to organize your work. Because what ends up happening is that we do the easiest stuff first and put off the hardest stuff until later.

It's human nature.

Instead, create a schedule that allows you to batch your work.

For example, on Mondays, I write and do my marketing. On Tuesdays, I edit my writing. On Wednesdays, I write my newsletter and answer emails. On Thursdays, I put up blogs and send out my newsletter. This allows me to make sure that each week I get all my work done but only focus on the task at hand. I don't worry about the long list of things to do because my list for the day is only one or two things.

Batching allows me to focus — and when you focus, you can optimize your time. So after your long day at work, you have only one or two things to do, andblogging doesn't seem so daunting.

There are plenty of hours in the day, and the secret to successful blogging when just starting out is to create a schedule for yourself so you can optimize your time.

It's what every successful blogger does — and it's what you should do too!


Nomadic Matt

P.S. - One of the things that takes up a lot of time in the beginning is researching how to build a blog. There are so many websites out there! Where do you begin? In hopes of saving you time — and making sure you don't follow incorrect information, I've created an in-depth blogging course to help you start your blog, make money, crush it in Google, and get heard above the noise! Use the code 10off to get 10% off as a thank you for reading these emails!

P.P.S. - If you want my list of favorite blogging resources, just click here to download a PDF of my favorite companies! You'll get a list of who I use to run my website in an easily accessible format.

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